Kyle Benson,

Kyle Benson

As a Sycamore/DeKalb native of 35 years, and a seasoned sales/customer service professional, I recognize and value the trust clients will place in me and I will strive everyday to exceed expectations.  I will provide quality service to build relationships and more importantly, maintain those relationships by communicating effectively.

After graduating the Chicago International Academy of Design and Technology with a bachelors in marketing, I had an extensive career working in retail sales with companies such as Verizon Wireless and T-mobile.  Additionally, as a previous business owner I understand the importance of hard work and dedication.  I have owned and operated 14 cellular wireless stores between the Rockford and Milwaukee areas.  Although my background is in retail sales, I decided to dive into the real estate industry by becoming a broker.

My hobbies include bike riding, exercise, food, cooking, travel, family and friends.

I look forward to helping you sell and buy a house today or in the future!

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